Shin Megami Tensei Liberation Dx2 is a role-playing game that belongs to the Shin Megami Tensei franchise (also known as Megaten), developed exclusively for smartphones...
46.7 k downloads
Traitors Empire is a turn-based RPG where you can lead a group of rebels in the fight against an oppressive kingdom. The game begins with...
6.7 k downloads
The War of Genesis is a persistent world RPG that immerses you in the conflict between good and evil that's devastating the continent of Antaria...
43.4 k downloads
One Piece Burning Will is an MMORPG that will fully immerse you in the One Piece universe as you try to complete tons of different...
249.3 k downloads
NARUTO X BORUTO NINJA TRIBES is a role-playing game that takes you back to Konoha and the rest of the universe created by Masashi Kishimoto...
271.9 k downloads
Black Clover M is the global version of this role-playing game where you delve into the Black Clover anime universe and live out an exciting...
182.6 k downloads
Fate/Grand Order is a JRPG framed within the popular visual novel reincarnated via some fairly competent franchising initiated by Fate/Stay Night. Rewind to 2015 where...
786.3 k downloads
Sword Art Online: Unleash Blading is an RPG based on the third season of the popular anime Sword Art Online (SAO). This turn-based RPG has...
183.1 k downloads
takt op. Symphony is an entertaining symphonic RPG game that aims to restore harmony to the world through music. The main characters are girls called...
4.4 k downloads
The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is an excellent RPG that lets you experience the original story of the popular manga created by Nakaba Suzuki...
376.3 k downloads